And share some really heinous code with you.
My first assignment in Turing was to build Mastermind — a simple game a user can play within his or her console.
It seemed straightforward enough, except that I didn't know anything. I mean nothing.
They hadn't even started the teaching part. We were just thrown in, like a bunch of babies at a Mommy & Me Swim Class.
Needless to say, the original was pretty rough.
The Refactor
I'm all for growth mindset, but I'm going to lead with the refactored version because — frankly — I'm embarrassed by the original.
The refactor took me about two hours to complete, following the original rubric.
I've been coding for three months. And I'm already horrified by my old code. What am I going to think in a year, five years, ten years?!
The Original
Are you seriously prepared for your eyes to bleed?
Here's my first version of Mastermind. Um, yes, that is a 130-line loop.
def prompt(message) puts "=> #{message}" end def create_secret_code(code, chars) chars.each { |e| code << chars.shuffle.sample } end def valid_guess?(input) input.length == 4 && input.all? { |e| e == "B" || e == "R" || e == "G" || e == "Y" } end def fill_feedback(user_guess, secret_code, feedback) user_guess.each_with_index do |e, i| if e == secret_code[i] feedback[i] = e end end end ### game loop do prompt("Welcome to MASTERMIND") prompt("Would you like to (p)lay, read the (i)nstructions or (q)uit?") initial_user_choice = gets.chomp.upcase if initial_user_choice == "I" prompt("INSTRUCTIONS: The computer has created a secret code. To win, crack the code by guessing the correct colors and positions. But don't delay! The clock is ticking. Ready?") elsif initial_user_choice == "Q" prompt("Goodbye!") break else end loop do prompt("I have generated a beginner sequence with four elements made up of: (r)ed, (g)reen, (b)lue, and (y)ellow. Use (q)uit at any time to end the game.") code_possibilities = ["R", "G", "B", "Y"] secret_code = [] create_secret_code(secret_code, code_possibilities) prompt("LET'S GET STARTED!") puts " ----- ----- ----- ----- " puts "| | | | |" puts " ----- ----- ----- ----- " start_time = feedback = ["?", "?", "?", "?"] correct_colors = 0 correct_positions = 0 num_of_guesses = 0 loop do prompt("What's your guess?") user_guess = gets.chomp.to_s.upcase.split(//) if user_guess == ["Q"] break elsif user_guess == ["C"] prompt("The secret code is: #{secret_code.join("")}") break else loop do case when valid_guess?(user_guess) break when user_guess.length < 4 prompt("That guess is too short.") prompt("What's your guess?") user_guess = gets.chomp.upcase.split(//) when user_guess.length > 4 prompt("That guess is too long.") prompt("What's your guess?") user_guess = gets.chomp.upcase.split(//) elsif user_guess.to_s != user_guess prompt("Those look like numbers. Try B, R, Y or G.") prompt("What's your guess?") user_guess = gets.chomp.upcase.split(//) end end end fill_feedback(user_guess, secret_code, feedback) puts feedback.join puts " ----- ----- ----- ----- " puts "| #{feedback[0]} | #{feedback[1]} | #{feedback[2]} | #{feedback[3]} |" puts " ----- ----- ----- ----- " correct_colors = 0 secret_code_clone = secret_code.clone user_guess.each do |e| location = secret_code_clone.index(e) if location != nil secret_code_clone.delete_at(location) correct_colors += 1 end end correct_positions = 0 feedback.each do |e| if e != "?" correct_positions += 1 end end num_of_guesses += 1 guess_syntax = "guess" if num_of_guesses > 1 guess_syntax = "guesses" end if feedback.include?("?") == false finish_time = time_score = (finish_time - start_time).to_i # duration in seconds seconds = (time_score % 60) minutes = ((time_score / 60) % 60) unless minutes == 1 minutes_syntax = "minutes" else minutes_syntax = "minute" end unless seconds == 1 seconds_syntax = "seconds" else seconds_syntax = "second" end prompt("Congratulations! You guessed the sequence #{secret_code.join} in #{num_of_guesses} #{guess_syntax} over #{minutes} #{minutes_syntax}, #{seconds} #{seconds_syntax}.") break end prompt("#{user_guess.join} has #{correct_colors} of the correct elements with #{correct_positions} in the correct positions. You've taken #{num_of_guesses} #{guess_syntax}.") end prompt("Would you like to (p)lay again? Or (q)uit?") play_again = gets.chomp.upcase if play_again == "Q" break end end prompt("Goodbye!") break end